Designing experiences, creating brands, and building digital products. We help companies (big, small and those yet to be) with any creative challenges. One design at a time.

A small design studio

alkemist, alkymist, alchemist
We created this campaign together with Safer Drug Policies. Working towards a society where all drug users will be offered help and treatment instead of facing criminal prosecution.
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This project journeys into a future shaped by AI, using fictional stories of individuals from diverse backgrounds to spark discussions about the social implications of artificial intelligence in society.
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Photographs from
a future without photographers
Read about our experience into the world of crypto and the obstacles we faced within this realm. We helped the "flagship", a startup company aiming to simplify crypto investments, with all their design needs. From initial idea, to the successful seed round and all the way to working MVP of their platform.

A peak into our experiences and the obstacles we faced within the realm of crypto design.

Designing for the future of finance?

Sophie (20) didn't dare report the rape.
She was afraid of being punished for drug use.
Byverkstedet - Webdesign

Work with us?

Tell us a bit about who you are and what you are working on to get the conversation started.